Big Picture on China's Consumer Market 2024


This mini report (we’ve been running for 9+years) is part of our annual China Marketing and Media Review to bring China’s marketing and branding landscape into sharp focus - for marketing leaders.

In the report, we explore the big pictures of China’s Marketing landscape and consumer sentiment:

- China’s digital economy

- Consumer confidence

- Middle class momentum

- City tiers & cluster

- Generational tiers

Click here for the full 2024 China Marketing and Media Review. It covers the big picture on China consumer market, 10 key considerations for China Marketing, survey of brand leaders in China, China’s media & marketing environment, and Framework for Growth in China. For brands already in China, we hope to provide the necessary insights to stay a step (or two) ahead. For brands not yet in China, it should provide a framework to evaluate growth possibilities. And, for brands considering a pivot to Asia, some perspective on China’s important place in the region.

ReportsChris Bakerreport