DTC Brands - Response to Covid


Our report on how Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) Brands responded to COVID can be downloaded here

The 50+ page report looks at:

- Overall response of DTCs to Covid (they did much better than average!)
- How DTC were (are) agile in the face of challenges
- Strategies they have used to continue growing
- Templates for success that all brands can follow
- Examples from China of transformation in retail
- Case studies of brands “shifting to play offense”

The report is supported by some great data and resources:

- Totem’s comprehensive list (database) of DTC brands
- Our June survey of 89 DTC brands in the US and Europe
- 30+ interviews with leading DTCs for background insight

It's our aim to highlight how leading global brands are moving forward with innovation/transformation, as part of our data/transformation practice area.