Dangerously Addictive


Irvin’s Salted Egg treats are the hottest snack in Asia right now - I LOVE THEM. I recently brought some to share with friends in Vancouver.

Irvin’s has a growing range of snacks with salted duck egg flavoring …some with fish skins, others with potato chips …cassava etc. The FishSkin x Salted Duck Egg variety are by far the most popular variety in Asia. They were so popular that, at one point it was almost impossible to buy a bag of the snacks in Asia …unless you went direct to their home shop in Singapore.

So, I had a choice for my friends in Vancouver …go with the potato chip variety and probably have a larger range of people give their approval to a new taste. Or go with the more unique, aggressively flavored fish skin variety. Potato chips would have been the familiar, safe option. 

I went with the fish skin variety. The fish skin variety are my favorite …and, I think the best. But they are also the most aggressive, novel option. They are the riskiest option for the un-initiated!

No surprises then, as I rolled them out to my friends, that the group was sharply divided on whether they liked the fish skin x duck egg variety. One or two people LOVED them, 5-6 people HATED the taste and a couple people hated the first taste but then kept going back for more. 


Good or bad, these snacks pack a powerful punch and create a lasting impression.


Myself and the other fish skin lovers were kindred spirits and we felt like we were part of a privileged few, insiders who “get it.” After a few initial, share accolades, we settled into a quiet appreciation of the snack.

There were more people who hated the flavor but for them, the experience was (and is likely to be) a lasting memory …even if it wasn’t a great one. A day and a half later, many of them are still rinsing their mouths to erase the remaining egg flavor. 

The most interesting group were the people who became converts to the fish skin chips. Their first impression was ‘yuk’ …but they oddly grew to like the flavor.

While the LOVERS and HATERS both organized into groups and had defined positions …this third group of CONVERTS were the most vocal and had the most engaged experience with the fish skins. They enjoyed a real sense of discovery that only comes with something really unique.

I had a similar experience of discovery with Irvin's.

The first time I tried Irvin’s Salted Duck Fish Skins was from a shared bag and I only got a few morsels. But, I was obsessed and went on a month long mission to acquire a couple bags for myself. I think that the experience of the CONVERTS might be similar. I suspect I will be buying a steady supply of Fish Skin snacks for the converts in Vancouver!

This story holds some interesting insights from a marketing/branding POV:

1. Its almost always better to go to market with something more unique, more memorable 

  • Pack a powerful punch! 

2. It's better to first cater to a smaller group 

  • Hitting the ‘average’ mark with a larger audience just doesn't move the needle as much

  • Deep, lasting impact matters more than average likability

  • The core of a brand should be powerful, distinct and truly engaging for a core group

  • For those that don't like the full flavor of the fish skin variety, there are other options but the main flavor secures the brand loyalists

3. Converts are really important 

  • They discovered something truly new and novel

  • A (good) genuine experience of discovery is magic for the relationship between a brand and customer 

  • Its really hard to create a unique experience with something optimized for average

  • They likely will have the most to say and share as they experienced a powerful journey

  • Because they are in-between the lovers and haters they connect to core and marginal groups (and probably are the advocates that convince non-lovers to try less aggressive flavors)

Marketers: Go for maximum flavor …be dangerously addictive!